Artaud A. The Theatre and its Double (Translated by Victor Corti)

ISBN 978-1-84749-332-3
Автор Artaud A.
Издательство Alma Classics
Переплет книги мягкая обложка
Год издания 2017
Страниц в книге: 160
650 руб × = 650 руб


First published in 1938, The Theatre and Its Double is a collection of essays detailing Antonin Artaud’s radical theories on drama and theatre, which he saw as being stifled by conservatism and lack of experimentation. Containing the famous manifestos of the ‘Theatre of Cruelty’, the collection analyses the underlying impulses of performance, provides some suggestions on a physical-training method for actors and actresses, and features a long appreciation of the expressive values of Eastern dance drama.